Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Limping Along

22nd December, 2011 - steel bars for concrete columns of 1st floor up and ready

Just when I thought things were smoothly moving along, the holiday season descended upon us. Holidays are socially accepted and morally sanctioned times to overindulge, whether at play or at rest. A joy most of the time. But too much of a good thing is precisely that - too much. The 5 holidays over the past month and a half meant in this case, a loss of the ability to work normally. And so, since the 2011 Christmas holidays, work has been limping along, slowly and painfully. This is going to be a tough race to win.

28th December, 2011 - 1st floor columns casting complete

1st January, 2012 - Ground floor form-work supports removed, beginning form-work for 2nd floor beams and slab

4th January, 2012 - ready for casting

9th January, 2012 - 2nd floor slab completed

16th January, 2012 - 2nd floor columns ready for casting

19th January, 2012 - beginning form-work for flat roof

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