Monday, October 17, 2011

ReStarting - neutered and neurotic

Its been over 2 years since my last post. During this time I had been busy applying for planning and building permissions from the city council.

This was my first time ever having gone through such an extended bureaucratic process. And I was totally overwhelmed and floored by the reality of its own caricature. Its a long story, better told over bottles of wine. Suffice to say the process confirmed the long-held belief that the civil service is from another dimension where irrationality is a way of life, and any attempt to engage with them would suck you into a deep psychotic morass that is potentially inescapable. Inevitably, my experience reduced me to a ball of quivering jelly, incapable of anything except scream with popping blood-shot eyeballs "I WILL COMPLY!".

When the approval letter was finally issued in June, 2011, I didn't even dare to feel relief, fearing a second letter from another department to follow informing that I had left out something or other and therefore was not in compliance. Thankfully, it remained a nightmare.

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